# listener rss A lightweight library to make simple actions with a RSS feed. # USAGE ## Punctual usage You can parse RSS from a URL with some custom data. An example : ```js const ListenerModule = require("ListenerRSS"); const ListenerRss = ListenerModule.ListenerRss; const listener = new ListenerRss({ address: "fake.rss.service" }); // make a request to the adr 'fake.rss.service' const feed = await myListener.fetchRSS(); ``` ## Recurrent usage You can parse RSS from a URL each n times. An example : ```js const ListenerModule = require("ListenerRSS"); const ListenerRss = ListenerModule.ListenerRss; const listener = new ListenerRss({ address: "fake.rss.service" }); listener.on("update", feed => { /* ... */ }); listener.on("error", err => { /* ... */ }); listener.on("newEntries", feedEntries => { /* ... */ }); listener.start(); /*...*/ listener.stop(); ``` # Documentation ## ListenerRSSInfo An interface to structure listener's data. ### Constructor - address : the service address - [optional] timeloop : time to wait between 2 request in seconds (default 5 minutes) - [optional] customfields : to notice field who's custom to the service (default blank) [cf annexe CustomFields](#customfields) - [optional] lastEntriesLinks : to specify an predefined history. ## ListenerRSS ### Constructor `constructor(listenerRSSInfo)` - listenerRSSInfo : object from the ListenerRSSInfo's class. ### fetchRSS() This function allows to make a request to the rss service. #### Return Return a promise object who's resolved like `resolve: (value: result_fetch) => void))` where `result_fetch` is a json object who's contain the data. [cf Annexe Output](#output) #### Issues Reject the promise if the server can't be resolved. ### start() This function will call the `update` event to each success update, the `error` event to each fail update, and the `newEntries` event for each update who contains a new item. #### Events Each event take one arg into the callback function. ```js listener.on("update", feed => { /* ... */ }); listener.on("error", err => { /* ... */ }); listener.on("newEntries", feedEntries => { /* ... */ }); ``` #### update It used a callback who receive the received object entirely inside an object. #### error It used a callback who receive an error object. #### newEntries It used a callback who receive only new entries inside an array. ### stop() This function will stop the execution of the callbackFun each time loop. ### getProperty() This function will return a ListenerRssInfo (a.k.a. a JSON object) item corresponding to the internal configuration of the class. # Annexe ## CustomFields This parameter permit to specify some custom fields who's present in the service but not in the RFC. For example the YouTube RSS api give some data into the `` field. So you can give this info with this : ```js [["media:group", "media:group"]]; ``` You can also rename the field with the left part : ```js [["my_custom_media_group_name", "media:group"]]; ``` In adition you can rename child element into custom field like this : ```js [ ["media:group", "media:group"], ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]; ``` In this case it's useless to specify the parent field, so you can just omit the first line : ```js [ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]; ``` ## Output Here an example of what type of json object is output during a fetch : ```json { "feedUrl": "fake.rrs.service", "title": "myFakeApiTitle", "description": "My Fake api desc", "link": "fake.rrs.service", "items": [ { "title": "My last item", "link": "fake.rrs.service/item1", "pubDate": "Thu, 12 Nov 2015 21:16:39 +0000", "creator": "someone", "content": "this is a link & this is bold text", "contentSnippet": "this is a link & this is bold text", "guid": "fake.rrs.service/item1", "categories": ["test", "npm", "fakeInfos"], "isoDate": "2015-11-12T21:16:39.000Z" } /*Some Others items*/ ] } ```