// external lib import Parser from "rss-parser"; // tested class import { ListenerRss as Listeners, ListenerRSSInfo as ListenerRRSInfo, } from "/src/index"; // TODO import bloque ?? not found // Unit test import chai from "chai"; import sinon from "ts-sinon"; import sinon_chai from "sinon-chai"; import { SinonSpy } from "sinon"; chai.use(sinon_chai); const expect = chai.expect; describe("test class RSS: jsonfile", function () { let myListener: Listeners | undefined = undefined; const infosListener: ListenerRRSInfo = new ListenerRRSInfo( "my-test-service", "fake.rss.service", 15, [ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ] ); // parseURL tests let stubParser: sinon.SinonStub; const mockedRSSOutput: any = { // TODO any = pas bien items: [ { title: "my title 00", "media:group": { "media:description": "my description 00", "media:thumbnail": [ { $: { height: 360, width: 420, url: "my_image00.jpg" } }, ], }, link: "my_url_00.com", pubDate: "myDate00", }, { title: "my title 01", "media:group": { "media:description": "my description 01", "media:thumbnail": [ { $: { height: 360, width: 420, url: "my_image01.jpg" } }, ], }, link: "my_url_01.com", pubDate: "myDate01", }, { title: "my title 02", "media:group": { "media:description": "my description 02", "media:thumbnail": [ { $: { height: 360, width: 420, url: "my_image02.jpg" } }, ], }, link: "my_url_02.com", pubDate: "myDate02", }, ], }; beforeEach(function () { // stubs stubParser = sinon.stub(Parser.prototype, "parseURL"); stubParser.withArgs(infosListener.address).resolves(mockedRSSOutput); stubParser .withArgs("bad.rss.service") .resolves(new Error("connect ECONNREFUSED")); // constructor myListener = undefined; }); afterEach(function () { // restore stubs stubParser.restore(); }); describe("Building Ytb listener", function () { it("The build without issues (infosListener parameters)", function () { myListener = new Listeners(infosListener); // assertions // myListener data expect(myListener.timeloop).to.eql(15); expect(myListener.name).to.eql("my-test-service"); expect(myListener.address).to.eql("fake.rss.service"); expect(myListener.customfields).to.eql([ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]); expect(myListener.parser.options.customFields).to.eql({ feed: [], item: ["media:group", "media:group"], }); }); it("The build without issues (raw infos : 4 params)", function () { myListener = new Listeners("my-test-service", "fake.rss.service", 15, [ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]); // assertions // myListener data expect(myListener.timeloop).to.eql(15); expect(myListener.name).to.eql("my-test-service"); expect(myListener.address).to.eql("fake.rss.service"); expect(myListener.customfields).to.eql([ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]); expect(myListener.parser.options.customFields).to.eql({ feed: [], item: ["media:group", "media:group"], }); }); it("The build without issues (raw infos : just 2 params)", function () { myListener = new Listeners("my-test-service", "fake.rss.service"); // assertions // myListener data expect(myListener.timeloop).to.eql(5 * 60); expect(myListener.name).to.eql("my-test-service"); expect(myListener.address).to.eql("fake.rss.service"); expect(myListener.customfields).to.eql([]); expect(myListener.parser.options.customFields).to.eql({ feed: [], item: [], }); }); it("The build without issues (raw infos : just 3 params (no custom fields))", function () { myListener = new Listeners("my-test-service", "fake.rss.service", 15); // assertions // myListener data expect(myListener.timeloop).to.eql(15); expect(myListener.name).to.eql("my-test-service"); expect(myListener.address).to.eql("fake.rss.service"); expect(myListener.customfields).to.eql([]); expect(myListener.parser.options.customFields).to.eql({ feed: [], item: [], }); }); it("The build without issues (raw infos : just 3 params (no timeloop))", function () { myListener = new Listeners( "my-test-service", "fake.rss.service", undefined, [ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ] ); // assertions // myListener data expect(myListener.timeloop).to.eql(5 * 60); expect(myListener.name).to.eql("my-test-service"); expect(myListener.address).to.eql("fake.rss.service"); expect(myListener.customfields).to.eql([ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]); expect(myListener.parser.options.customFields).to.eql({ feed: [], item: ["media:group", "media:group"], }); }); }); describe("fetch some data", function () { it("fetch without issues", function () { // classic build myListener = new Listeners(infosListener); // fetch let res = myListener.fetchRSS(); //assertion // calls expect(stubParser).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(stubParser).to.have.been.calledWith(infosListener._address); // Promise //await expect(Promise.resolve(res)).to.be.eql(mockedRSSOutput); res.then((obj: any, err: Error) => { // TODO expect(obj).to.be.eql(mockedRSSOutput); expect(err).to.be.undefined; }); }); it("fetch with bad address", function () { // classic build myListener = new Listeners( "my-test-service", "bad.rss.service", undefined, [ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ] ); // fetch let res = myListener.fetchRSS(); //assertion // calls expect(stubParser).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(stubParser).to.have.been.calledWith("bad.rss.service"); // Promise res.then((obj: any, err: Error) => { expect(obj).to.be.undefined; expect(err).to.be.eql(new Error("connect ECONNREFUSED")); }); }); }); describe("start", function () { it("Let's start the timer", async function () { //custom timeout this.timeout(15000); // classic build myListener = new Listeners("my-test-service", "fake.rss.service", 2, [ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]); //spy const fun_spy: SinonSpy = sinon.spy(); // start timer myListener.start(fun_spy); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 5 * 1000)); myListener.stop(); //assertion // calls expect(1).to.be.eql(1); expect(fun_spy).to.have.been.callCount(3); expect(fun_spy).to.have.been.calledWith(mockedRSSOutput, undefined); }); it("Let's start the timer (with a bad address)", async function () { //custom timeout this.timeout(15000); // classic build myListener = new Listeners("my-test-service", "bad.rss.service", 2, [ ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]], ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]], ]); //spy const fun_spy: SinonSpy = sinon.spy(); // start timer myListener.start(fun_spy); await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 5 * 1000)); myListener.stop(); //assertion // calls expect(1).to.be.eql(1); expect(fun_spy).to.have.been.callCount(3); expect(fun_spy).to.have.been.calledWith(undefined, Error); //yagni }); }); });