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2021-04-18 16:16:15 +02:00
src Deplacement de l'index de la racine vers le source 2021-04-18 16:16:15 +02:00
tests Adding getProperty to export the ListenerRSS properties + related tests 2021-03-28 13:22:55 +02:00
.eslintrc.json Bootstrap project 2021-02-07 17:50:54 +01:00
.gitignore Update gitignore 2021-02-13 13:40:33 +01:00
.prettierrc.json Bootstrap project 2021-02-07 17:50:54 +01:00
package-lock.json Adding getProperty doc into README 2021-03-28 16:20:54 +02:00
package.json Deplacement de l'index de la racine vers le source 2021-04-18 16:16:15 +02:00
README.md Adding getProperty doc into README 2021-03-28 16:20:54 +02:00
tsconfig.base.json Deplacement de l'index de la racine vers le source 2021-04-18 16:16:15 +02:00

listener rss

A lightweight library to make simple actions with a RSS feed.


Punctual usage

You can parse RSS from a URL with some custom data.
An example :

const ListenerModule = require("ListenerRSS");
const ListenerRss = ListenerModule.ListenerRss;

const listener = new ListenerRss("my-test-service", "fake.rss.service");

// make a request to the adr 'fake.rss.service'
myListener.fetchRSS().then((obj, err) => {
  // some act

Recurrent usage

You can parse RSS from a URL each n times.
An example :

const ListenerModule = require("ListenerRSS");
const ListenerRss = ListenerModule.ListenerRss;

const listener = new ListenerRss("my-test-service", "fake.rss.service", 5 * 60);

const callback_fun_update = (obj) => {
  // some act
const callback_fun_new_entries = (obj) => {
  // some act

listener.on("update", callback_fun);
listener.on("newEntries", callback_fun);






An interface to structure listener's data.


  • address : the service address
  • [optional] timeloop : time to wait between 2 request in seconds (default 5 minutes)
  • [optional] customfields : to notice field who's custom to the service (default blank) cf annexe CustomFields
  • [optional] lastEntriesLinks : to specify an predefined history.




  • listenerRSSInfo : object from the ListenerRSSInfo's class.


This function allows to make a request to the rss service.


Return a promise object who's resolved like resolve: (value: result_fetch) => void)) where result_fetch is a json object who's contain the data. cf Annexe Output


Reject the promise if the server can't be resolved.


This function will call the update event to each success update, the update_err event to each fail update, and the newEntries event for each update who contains a new item.


Each event take one arg into the callback function.

const callback_fun = (obj) => {
  // some act
const callback_fun_err = (err) => {
  // some act
const callback_fun_new_entries = (newEntries) => {
  // some act

listener.on("update", callback_fun);
listener.on("update_err", callback_fun_err);
listener.on("new_entries", callback_fun_new_entries);


It used a callback who receive the received object entirely inside an object.


It used a callback who receive an error object.


It used a callback who receive only new entries inside an array.


This function will stop the execution of the callbackFun each time loop.


This function will return a ListenerRssInfo (a.k.a. a JSON object) item corresponding to the internal configuration of the class.



This parameter permit to specify some custom fields who's present in the service but not in the RFC. For example the YouTube RSS api give some data into the <media:group> field. So you can give this info with this :

[["media:group", "media:group"]];

You can also rename the field with the left part :

[["my_custom_media_group_name", "media:group"]];

In adition you can rename child element into custom field like this :

  ["media:group", "media:group"],
  ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]],
  ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]],

In this case it's useless to specify the parent field, so you can just omit the first line :

  ["description", ["media:group", "media:description"]],
  ["icon", ["media:group", "media:thumbnail"]],


Here an example of what type of json object is output during a fetch :

  "feedUrl": "fake.rrs.service",
  "title": "myFakeApiTitle",
  "description": "My Fake api desc",
  "link": "fake.rrs.service",
  "items": [
      "title": "My last item",
      "link": "fake.rrs.service/item1",
      "pubDate": "Thu, 12 Nov 2015 21:16:39 +0000",
      "creator": "someone",
      "content": "<a href=\"http://example.com\">this is a link</a> &amp; <b>this is bold text</b>",
      "contentSnippet": "this is a link & this is bold text",
      "guid": "fake.rrs.service/item1",
      "categories": ["test", "npm", "fakeInfos"],
      "isoDate": "2015-11-12T21:16:39.000Z"
    /*Some Others items*/